Today almost everywhere you end up listening to all the e
cigarette contentions. Legislators are pressing regulatory case for smokeless
cigarettes. Well, I don’t have enough knowledge about this particular matter
because information I have gained is all from e cigarette reviews and
newspapers/articles. But being a vapor enthusiast, my perception is that the
biggest misconception the general public has about electric cigarette is that
they are same as tobacco product. Some think they should be treated as a
tobacco product but I am really very disheartened for such allegations. I only
believe on research and studies but I think in case the high authorities claim
these devices to be same as that of traditional tobacco cigarettes, then I am
sure this burden would bring best electric cigarette companies
out of business.
What I feel is the products on the market now are far better
than the products that were on the market few years earlier. Now the electronic
cigarette brands have started to deliver the best electronic cigarette products
in order to appease all. I am a lover too and I am a loyal customer of South
Beach Smoke. I believe this brand delivers high quality and superior products
to people. What is the best electronic cigarette? Best e cigs are those that
offer trustworthy products by applying stringent testing procedures. For me,
South Beach Smoke I am sure there are several best e cigarette names present out
there in the market that deliver the same.
Reasonable and appropriate regulation is fine but
inappropriate regulation may affect the highest rated electronic cigarette
brands that are genuinely offering great products. I include age restrictions
under reasonable regulation as the restriction of age is not a problem for me.
From the bottom of my heart, I think that kids must be restricted from such a
habit and they are really not meant for anyone else apart from the adults, not
even the best e cigarette in the market.