There are organization and health authorities which have
concern regarding e cigarette safety. There are independent reports and studies
on e cigarettes, some report claim that e cigs are better than tobacco
cigarettes but some reports talk of the risk involved. Vapor cigarette is unregulated and
being an unregulated product it is bound to be under the radar of authorities
but whilst all this is happening e cigs continue to get good reviews from users
around the globe.
city councils have proposed ordinance regarding sale and use of e cigarette
while some are following laissez-faire approach in a way that they are still
open for discussion, consultation and feedback and waiting for FDA e cigarette
regulations to come out. Electronic cigarette brands are in the meantime coming
out with new electric cigarette deign, products and are competing hard to offer
the best electronic cigarette.
e cigarette brands are coming up with lucrative, customer-benefitting deals
where customers can buy cheap e cigarette of good quality. E cigarette is being
accepted by users as the best alternate to have been introduced ever, ex
smokers who have switched to e cig are claiming that these smokeless cigarette
are helping them to slowly wean of nicotine. Authorities are asking for
scientific proof of this but very little research is available.
No scientific proof is there to back any of the potential
good and bad. Users are making their own pick and may carry on and decide on
their own whether to use e cigarette or not. Until considerable proof is
present regarding the proposed good or bad, nothing can be said for certain.
For now, people like these products and the same people buy electronic
cigarettes and use it with the intent of making a better choice.