Smokeless cigarettes are becoming popular amongst its users
and more and more people trying it by the day. As of 2012, New York follows
strict rules on indoor smoking ban which include public smoking in parks,
seaside, public courts and walkways. Electronic cigarette as of now are not
subjected to rules which apply on traditional cigarettes. But many city council
however, have proposals which they are yet to decide on which may put e
cigarettes in the same category as tobacco product. But with the
increased popularity more and more electric cigarette brands are venturing into
this industry; bring more completion in order to become the best electronic
cigarette brand.
Now it has created the problem for the customers in order to
decide which brand can actually be termed as the best electronic cigarettes. It is
his taste and the preferences that would determine which brand he would prefer
over the others. Hence, the choice of the best e cigarette might vary from one
person to the other. But it is a universal fact that the best way to start
vaping is through starter kits. All most every top rated electronic cigarette
brand provides starter kits.
A good electronic cigarette starter kit should not be very
expensive. E cig starter kit comes in a nice box that will fold up with a
magnet on the box. Most of the vapor cigarette starter kit comes with some
number of e cigarette batteries, if it offers two, one e cig battery will be
short, and one electronic cigarette battery will be long. It also offers flavored
e cigarette cartridges along with option to select different nicotine. All this
is accompanied with different accessories which depend on the price of the
starter kit. Some basic accessories are provides in each and every starter kit.