Electronic cigarette has hit the
headlines from some time and I eagerly wait to know about the recent updates on
it. But it is difficult to distinguish between reports which affirm different
things on the single topic. Few days back, a study reported that electronic
cigarette help smokers in many ways while some days back, another study
revealed that electronic cigarette is having adverse effects especially on new
The conflicting reports have also
made its users confused. There is not agency on which we can put our trust
because they all talk differently. Adding to this, media play their role
effectively and efficiently. Even they don’t stick to one decision.
cigarette reviews website which includes the customer’s reviews and
expert’s views has agreed to the point that electronic cigarette is a consumer
product and customers have found it an alternative to tobacco cigarette. Studies
and researches are going on across the world finding the real face of
electronic cigarette but till now most of the studies have revealed the
positive aspect of electronic cigarette.
On one hand users of electronic
cigarette have given it a positive nod and called it a superior product. Even
smokers have agreed that electronic cigarette is better in many terms. But
regulators and health officials are observing the same thing from different
perspective. What I know is that electronic cigarette brands have regulated it
in such a way which is acceptable in society, like, sale of electronic
cigarettes to minors is banned. There are many best brands of electronic
cigarette such as White
Cloud Electronic Cigarette which have prohibited the sale of electronic
cigarettes to minors. Here, society especially parents need to pay more
But, I really want reports or
studies to sum up one conclusion to makes the understanding of electronic
cigarettes easier for us.