Ok, so good sense prevailed and I can still buy e cigarette
and use it like I have been doing for the past one year. I was hells cared when
I heard about the proposal to regulate e cigarette as medicine or drug device
or god knows, what they call it!
But my hope and faith in democracy and in the idea of a
government for the people still intact as EU has taken a great step to reject
the proposal by health people (whoever they are) to consider e cigarette as a
medical device which would mean I would have to go to a medical shop to buy
e cigarette now, how idiotic would that have been and for what reasons.
I don’t see people going to a pharmacist to buy smoking cigarettes so why such
a preposterous ban on e cigarettes.
I was pack a day smoker and I don’t know what e
cigarette reviews say or what experts say but I am sure an e cigarette
enthusiast and I am proud of the fact that I am not a smoker anymore, when you
have been a smoker for years and you have made numerous attempts at quitting
but you still can’t and enters a product which turns out to be the last hope,
somebody then taking that hope away seems really appalling.
They talk of electronic cigarette brands trying to lure kids
with advertising, grow up people it is an industry, they need to market their
product and if not though media then how else can this possibly be done. Do
these independent self proclaimed scientists expect e cigarette makers to go to
every door step looking for an adult smoker who is looking for a better
alternative, obviously, not?
Minors should not smoke e cigarettes, well right, minors
should not smoke any damn thing whatsoever made or not made for them, I can’t
agree more. But if you really want to impose bans, start with smoking
cigarettes. I am no tobacco analyst but through whatever little I read, I sure
do know that millions of youth are hooked to tobacco cigarette so suddenly this
whole uproar about minors trying e cigarette is a little strange.
I am a firm believer in the fact that if you have an
opinion, it is important to voice it. I believe people should come out in open
and support what they believe in. I have benefited from e cigarette so my vote
is for sure with e cigarette. I might even try to stop using e cigarettes in
days to come or at least cut down the nicotine but till then I have a sound
sleep thinking I won’t get up with cigarette craving in the morning and even if
I do I won’t be giving smoke to my lungs for breakfast.