One day a person asking me which is more illegal weed or e
cigarettes? And is it fair that weed is easily available to smoke whilst
e cigarettes are under such heavy restrictions and analysis? In my view
it does not matter because electronic cigarettes are the next big
thing. I mean at first we all thought that they were a passing fad like
Air Jordan’s, but now without restrictions we have seen that they are
here to stay. As a vaper of one of the leading brand of e cigarette (Green Smoke)
I cannot remember the last time that I smoked a cigarette. But now I
believe that in evitable link between e cigarettes and cannabis is
coming. Either in the form of cannabis flavored e juice or in the form
of cannabis specialized e cigarette. Without a doubt it is
the future and it would take a very easy to fool man to doubt that. I
strongly feel that we should also take measures that will ensure that
the e cig are kept out of the reach of children. Just as it is socially
and morally unacceptable to see children smoke, I believe the same
ethics also apply for e cigarette. I firmly believe that smoking is a
responsible and mature decision and not one that must not be left to
children, and that mixed with cannabis will only further enhance my
opinion that more tough measures should be taken to protect minors from
smoking. Without doubt the combing of hemp with e
cigarettes does have a lot of new possibilities that will greatly
benefit a lot of people. It creates a better method of assisting those
with glaucoma and it also helps further the research of the effects of electric cigarettes as well as lowers the costs of R&D.