Electronic cigarettes got
approval from chefs and now we can vape in restaurants. Chefs have said that
they don’t have any problem with electronic cigarettes and if it is not
bothering other patrons it is okay for them too. So, it is a win-win situation
because I don’t think other people will have any problem with it. People like
us are happy and the discussions are going on e
cigarette review forums widely.
This battery operated has been
designed so that it does not produce any smoke and hence no smell comes out of
it. It does not burn anything so smell is out of question. And there are many
people except few regulators who have found this device superior in many ways. Recently
in news, Drew Nieporent, owner of the Myriad Restaurant Group says
that that he would
only say anything if another guest will complain. And many other restaurants
owners share similar views.
Many of us love vaping with wine and I always feel of
nicotine craving whenever I drink. And I am the happiest to explore such places
where I can enjoy vaping without any restriction. Recently when I eating out
with my friends, we lit our e cigarettes (mine was White
Cloud Electronic Cigarette) and we were permitted to do so. No one even
cared what we were having. I think we should thank to controversies which has
added to the popularity of this device.
Whatever be the reason! I am happy because at least someone (Thanks
Chefs!) considered common people like us intelligent to take our own decisions
rather taking decisions on our behalf for our sake.