Register with us and create your own profile for FREE. Our profile function is unique from what most social community websites offer today. When members create their profiles, they have many of the features below available to them for FREE. Our tools within your account allow you to easily communicate, share, promote and manage your profile and other items you submit online within your account. Another important benefit is that your profile could be used as a marketing tool to promote yourself, your services or products. |
Create Bios & Profile Information |
Register by filling out our simple form and fill out information about yourself. It can be a line of text, a few paragraphs or a page long. There is no limit on how much text you want to include in your bio. Once your bio is completed, you have options of editing or deleting it. Same applies to your basic information such as age, gender, place of origin. All of the functions above, are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Post Photos & Images |
Once you are a registered member, you can upload an unlimited amount of photos and images (like flyers or other graphics) to your profile. Those images can be assigned to different sections of your profile and can be sorted into galleries. Furthermore, all the photos and images you upload can be shared with other members, who in turn can comment on them, rate them and recommend for viewing to other members. All of the functions above, are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Post Videos, Audio & Links |
Once you are a registered member, you can upload an unlimited amount of videos in desired formats, as well as audio to your profile. These items can be assigned to different sections of your profile. Videos can be sorted into video channels, which is a great promotional tool for starting artists & musicians trying to share their content. The same applies to uploading audio items and links. Furthermore, all the videos and audio you upload can be shared with other members, who in turn can comment on them, rate them and recommend for viewing to other members. All of the functions above, are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Your Stats |
You can view and edit your stats by logging in MY ACCOUNT. You can check out views of you uploaded content, check out people comments and view your comments on other members' content. |
Messages |
You can receive and send messages to other members. These functions are also handled by loggin into MY ACCOUNT. An alert for new messages will appear as you log into MY ACCOUNT. |
Comments, Ratings & Votes |
Members will have the abillity to comments on all member uploaded content on the website. Members can rate other members profiles, videos, photos, music, products and listings. Members can also vote on news and events. All of the functions above, are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Friends |
As a member, you can add friends to your profile, to appear in the "FRIENDS" section. All of these functions are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
News |
As a member, you have many options available to you with our news section. You can add links to news items and post them, where other members can comment and vote the news items up or down. There is also an option of creating your own custom news items, to which you can add text, images, video, audio & links. These items are also posted in the same matter as links to news items, where other members can comment and vote them up or down. All of the functions above, are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Events |
Our events section offers the users to post their events. Members can create custom templates listing all the event information. Members can add photos, videos, links and audio to all events. A built-in calendar is also available for all events and RSVP options. Members can view latest events submitted by users, comment on these events and RSVP if interested. All the aspects of the events are managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Blogs |
Create your own blog using our wizard and add it to your profile. Manage your created blog in MY ACCOUNT, monitor blog views and blog comments, use our reporting and statistical tools & privacy options. |
Music |
Through MY ACCOUNT, members can submitt their own created music, share it with the community, add comments to music, create playlists, add radio links, create podcasts and ringtones. Members can also listen to music, download and purchase tunes. Members can also post comments, rate and vote on the music submitted. All of the acitivity is also managed through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Classifieds |
Members can post want ads and sell new and used goods by creating a listing in our classifieds section. These custom listings will allow members to add copy, photos, video, audio and links. Members viewing classifieds, will have the ability to buy all the items for sale and respond want ads. They can also post comments and vote on classified listings. Members will manage their classified listings through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Auction |
Members can submit their items or jobs for a bid on our auction. Create custom listings for these items by adding copy, images, video and audio. Bid on items posted. Help sell items posted to receive commission. Members will manage items for auction or items you are bidding on through MY ACCOUNT section. |
Store |
Members who have businesses that they would like to promote and or would like another outlet to sell their products and services, have a FREE option of creating a company/store. Once the store created and all the information and products are uploaded, it will also be managed through MY ACCOUNT. Members can manage and view orders, views, comments. Multiple companies/stores can be created, added to MY ACCOUNT and managed here. |
Advertising |
There are many advertising options that are available through Muzikspace, as well as there are many benefits to advertising wth us. We are a social community website which is specifically targetted towards the Carribean community. Which means that all of your advertising messages are reaching the specified audience directly. Depending on your budget and your advertising needs you can do any of the following: video advertisements, text advertisements, image advertisements and email advertisements. When members purchase advertisements, the status can be managed and viewed in MY ACCOUNT section. |