Make your advertising dollars go further! Focus your advertinsing messages DIRECTLY towards the market you want to reach!
Start advertising with Muzikspace today and reach your audience directly!
Your direct outlet to the carribean community in the United States and the rest of the world!
When purchasing ad space, it is important to make sure you are reaching the right audience. When selecting places to advertise online, it is important to look for certain key factors to make a decision. These can include; the number of users or visits to the website; the demographic and specifications of the users such as age, gender, location, income; your advertisement engagement, and the overall return on investment.
Why Advertise
Proper advertising and marketing is essential to getting your products and services attention in today’s marketplace. The internet has brought the opportunity to more easily market your products and services to a much larger and global audience. Unfortunately this boom in advertising and marketing has certain pitfalls. One of which is that most individuals and companies can end up promoting products or services to incorrectly targeted audiences. With incorrectly targeted audience or hit-or-miss type advertising, your business could see a significant reduction in revenue, since you could be throwing away thousands of dollars to promote your business to the wrong consumers.
The need to resolve this hap-hazard method of advertising and marketing has led us to develop an effective solution - to create completely targeted Social Business Networks (SBN), which are defined either by demographic, industry or interest. This is the ideal way to ensure that your advertising dollar is being spent on your desired target audience.
Cost Savings
Reduce cost of advertising by focusing your money Each SBN is designed around a central item, keyword, topic, product or service. This ensures that when you place an ad on a SBN the majority of your audience is focused and interested in your related product or service. Reduce clutter in advertising
Competition on popular search engines can become expensive and unfocused if you select the incorrect phrase. This leads you with the trouble of selecting "good" keywords that are typically more expensive, as they may be widely used for other business models completely unrelated to yours.
Management Savings
Submitting and maintaining keywords across different advertisement systems can become problematic. SBNs are targeted and provide the marketplace with visitors seeking specific products and services. SBNs are advertised on other mediums such as search engines, social networks, print medium, directories and more, as determined by that SBN management team. SBNs advertise themselves and in turn advertise your business. This provides you with advertisement savings simply because you are on the SBN.
Methods & Techniques
SBNs supports a variety of advertisement methods You can post text ads, videos, audio, images, email, private messages, full page ads and many other advertising methods for users with the same focus in mind. SBNs typically have fewer restrictions and limitations on advertisements than other standard advertisers
Where other advertisers may put harsh restrictions on flash, video, audio and graphics, these restrictions become reduced due to the fact that the SBN is targeted and advertisement content no matter how "annoying" it may seem to be to other untargeted advertisers and marketers, may be quite acceptable to the SBN's focus.
SBN Team
Each SBN has a team that is focused primarily on that market or nitch
Each SBN is created with a team of individuals focused on that particular marketplace this ensures that the quality and integrity of the SBN is assured by having proper leaders in that field determining the trend of the SBN. Once a SBN team is created it starts to market on popular search engines, websites, other social networking sites and other SBNs, to gather a solid community focused on the goals of that SBN. Each SBN is a separate, but essential part of all the Gateserver SBN networks.
Each SBN is created and managed by a specific team of individuals who are experts in that particular industry, genre or demographic. Having professional leaders in that field determining the trend of the SBN, ensures the quality ad integrity of each network.
All graphics, logos, designs, button icons, photography, videos, scripts & other service names are the trademarks of Muzikspace & users that upload the specific content.