Make your advertising dollars go further! Focus your advertinsing messages DIRECTLY towards the market you want to reach!
Start advertising with Muzikspace today and reach your audience directly!
Your direct outlet to the carribean community in the United States and the rest of the world!
Image ads are graphical ads offered in several ad formats.
Flyer Ads
Flyer ads are available in different sizes. You can either provide us with your ad banners or you can have Muzikspace produce the ads for you. (For flyer ad production, please contact us at advertise@muzikspace.com)
Banner Ads
Banner ads are available in different sizes. You can either provide us with your ad banners or you can have Muzikspace produce the ads for you. (For Banner production, please contact us at advertise@muzikspace.com) Banner Size 468 x 60
All graphics, logos, designs, button icons, photography, videos, scripts & other service names are the trademarks of Muzikspace & users that upload the specific content.