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Date Posted:   10-19-2021 11:24:24 PM
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Consider how many Runescape players, myself included, have left to RS gold play in other MMORPGs with an action bar system similar to that. This is World of Warcraft, of course. Although I'm not saying that Runescape has more in common with WOW, that is a mistake. But most the moos of today are affixed to EOC-style HCI. Why does this happen?

Because it has been proven to be effective. It is impossible to keep up with the pace of this game. Not just from a gaming perspective, as well from a business standpoint. Jagex is, at its heart, is an enterprise. It has to pay its employees, pay taxes and make a profit. If they didn't keep runescape on par with competition it would quickly lose out.

Progression and adaption is key to all things in life, but in the age of technology, it's even more important. Although you might argue that humans have become the dominant species due to changes in their surroundings, that is not the case.

Although I don't know your age take a look at the 20 years since the time you were born. Users of technology have had to adjust through VCRs to CDs to DVDs and through different interfacing devices (touchscreen being one of the most significant). Gamers must be able to adapt to the changing technological world. It would be great to have Runescape keep up with its competition and continue to survive for many years, but Runescape has decided to slow down because it doesn't want to update the game with major changes.

EoC isn't the problem. It's simply more clicking to get the same result. The main feature of the game is its ability to queue emotes. WoW has more than 80 keys. A minigame is involved in enhancing DPS and discovering new strategies for PvP. Even though I love mind control, I still like the idea of controlling my enemies on the cliffs' edges.

How EoC came into being is the question. Its origin is similar to SoF, Solomon, etc. It is imposed on players. Recently, a Jmod wrote about a poster who had cheap OSRS gold posted bugs within BA. It was a great constructive feedback. Posters then said that despite the fact that the bugs were discovered and sent in beta to Jagex and Jagex, they were not able to make it to live.

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