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Date Posted:   07-07-2021 4:07:52 AM
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It was an un-ashamed, blatantly made step meant to Burning Crusade Classic Gold stop my progress in undergoing the story. I got it completed after two weeks of trying while doing other things, but two weeks after I stopped logging in and haven't looked back since.

Once I perished in Torgast because of some random assassin debuff item I logged out for the last moment. All this anger to just get 10 minutes of story. It is better for my mental health to just watch some YouTube outline or walkthrough. WoW isn't something to get a casual like me.

I switched to ESO. It's not ideal, but at least I can have as much story as I want in my own pace along with the dialogs are even voice listened.

If they gave us mad power in there where we mow down groups it would not be quite as bad. Instead it's mostly crap, a few that are crap if you don't receive the right a couple of abilities, and a couple more thay are good. Nothing actually spec altering either.

The crazy part about WoW for me personally is that the usage of the PTR to check expansions and stains using players. It is basically free labor by gamers. I know that Torghast in the alpha was very popular with pretty much ever WoW content founder I followed. Yet they rather carved out most of the fun bits, forced players to go through it for yet another currency, and then had to go back and nerf it since they had added in arbitrary affixes which were very unpopular.

SWTOR these days is pretty damned good because they changed it up and left it so just doing the story missions on the planets was sufficient, and the stories are good, although some expansions are definitely better than others.

If you want to experience a game that has a good story you can casual for your hearth's content without sacrificing the basic MMORPG mechanisms (I think ESO lacks), I suggest you attempt FFXIV. Best of all, unlike WoW, FFXIV keeps all dungeons and raids level synced and has them onto a roulette, which means that you can always find gamers to conduct them more or less how they had been at launch.

I will willy-nilly across the map and there is a quest and someone to speak to everywhere. I realised I adored GW2 when a caravan quest was about to begin and buy WOW TBC Classic Gold a priest came out and gave a speech, blessing the trip and the caravan NPC was commenting under their breath
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